EGPA meets with senior officials of the European Border And Coast Guard Agency to explain our work and ways in which we can cooperate.
FRONTEX is the EU Agency established to protect the external border of the Union by working with police officers, border guards and coast guards of the Member States. It also has its own uniformed Standing Corp which can be deployed anywhere along the EU external border.
FRONTEX agents also screen those seeking asylum in the EU, many of whom will be fleeing persecution for being LGBT in their country of origin.
It is therefore important that FRONTEX agents are knowledgeable about LGBT issues, terminology, relationships, families and the wider human rights when screening people and crossing the border into the EU.
It is also important that FRONTEX attracts a diverse workforce from across the Member States of the European Union including those who identify as LGBT and ensures the wellbeing of LGBT agents and that they don't face discrimination.
The online meeting took place on 23rd June. Representing EGPA was Alain PARMENTIER, who gave a Powerpoint presentation explaining the organisation and work of EGPA. FRONTEX was represented by Executive Director Fabrice LEGGERI with contributions from various other branches of the Agency and HR departments explaining their functions and what work they have done so far to promote LGBT inclusion.
It is hoped to be able to develop tailored training for FRONTEX staff using the experience that EGPA has in training police officers.
A very successful first meeting and engagement that will lead to future cooperation and an improved service delivery when dealing with LGBT people and a more LGBT-friendly workplace.
FRONTEX website: