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Regional Action on Promotion of diversity and equality in the Western Balkans

Writer's picture: EGPA EditorEGPA Editor

European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey – Phase II”

Launching activity on addressing hate crime by law enforcement

Podgorica (Montenegro) 18-20/02/2020


40 participants : Police officers from 6 countries (Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, BosniaHerzegovina)  and NGO’s of those countries

Tuesday 18/02/2020 Policing hate crime against LGBTI persons: training for a professional police response – day one

-Opening with speeches of:

  1. - Council of Europe

  2. - Police Administration of Montenegro

  3. - EUD

  4. - ERA

-Introduction to the training and of participants; inputs from Police participants and from civil society

-Key concepts: groups affected by hate crimes, hate crime at the international and regional level

-Understanding underreporting

-Human rights and the role of police officers

-Investigations activities: a victim centred approach

Wednesday 19/02/2020 – day two

-Collecting the evidence: identifying indicators and make good use of evidence

-Supporting LGBTI communities: an effective police response

-Working with civil society organisations and how they can help

-Partnering with civil society organizations: how to work together

Thursday 20/02/2020 Towards a common engagement in the region

-Roundtable discussion to present examples in the region: from a Police perspective and from the civil society perspective

-Presentation of the European LGBT Police Association (EGPA) by Alain Parmentier

-Presentation of the Serbian advices for serbian Police officers about LGBTI issues by Katarina Zivulovic

-Continuation of the discussion: local level activities

-Work in mixed teams: proposal for the way ahead – how the HF program and COE can help

-Presentation of the proposals and discussion

-What is next under the regional and specific actions on promotion of diversity and equality and under the COE’s SOGI plan of work


Trainers: Katarina Zivulovic, Herman Renes, Alain Parmentier



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