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The EGPA and our member organisations are routinely involved in the delivery of LGBT awareness training in police academies. We have also provided inputs at major European LGBT events including the Council Of Europe IDAHOT Forums, WorldPride, ILGA Europe and Friends Of Europe think tank. 


EGPA also works collaboratively with the Council Of Europe Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Unit, CEPOL (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training) and OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe).


EGPA, in collaboration with the Council Of Europe, has also produced a training package Policing Hate Crime against LGBTI persons: Training for a Professional Police Response which is free to download.


If you would like more information about our training programmes and speakers please use the ‘contact us’ link and outline your requirements. Our services are free however depending on the distance involved we may request the cost of travel and, if applicable, accommodation. 

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